The client is a South Korean electronics giant who came to us with the project. The scope was design and development of over 15 web-widgets and dashboards. Each of these widgets were unique in requirements and were designed to be used individually and/or in a composition, as required. The common thread to each of these widgets was the Design system and visual design.
Given the volume of work, the 15+ widgets were segmented into sprints across months.
The design of each widget went through a rigorous process of research, stakeholder’s feedback, design presentations and iterations, before being taken up for development.
Challenges and Solutions:
- The client communicated in their native tongue. We bridged the lingual and cultural gap by using translators and visual mediums.
- The delivery demand was high. We used the existing design system to optimise the design delivery.
My Responsibilities:
- Client communication
- UX Research and Design