I'm Prateek. This website is my tiny island in the vast sea that is the internet. Feel free to roam around - I am adding in more cool stuff as you read on.
Who I am?
If you missed the obnoxiously large heading in the previous page, I’m a Product Designer. Currently collaborating with some amazing people at Wongdoody - Infosys for over a year now. However, I started my journey into design through Architecture. To do this day, I hold a license to design buildings but I have taken a greater liking to designing digital products instead (much easier to do a revision, if v1.0 burns down).
What I do?
I design products - the complete spectrum. Beginning from identifying the true problem; to iterating from a pool of solutions; to creating tasty visuals and finally shipping it to users. These are the tools that I rely on.
What I love?
I like to dwell in the overlap of design and technology. Over the years I have learned to be comfortable with the uncomfortable and take great pleasure in learning new things. This website, for example, was an outcome of late-nights binging YouTube to learn front-end development and give coding my first ever website a go.
I'm Prateek. This website is my tiny island in the vast sea that is the internet. Feel free to roam around - I am adding in more cool stuff as you read on.
Who I am?
If you missed the obnoxiously large heading in the previous page, I’m a Product Designer. Currently collaborating with some amazing people at Wongdoody - Infosys for over a year now. However, I started my journey into design through Architecture. To do this day, I hold a license to design buildings but I have taken a greater liking to designing digital products instead (much easier to do a revision, if v1.0 burns down).
What I do?
I design products - the complete spectrum. Beginning from identifying the true problem; to iterating from a pool of solutions; to creating tasty visuals and finally shipping it to users. These are the tools that I rely on.
What I love?
I like to dwell in the overlap of design and technology. Over the years I have learned to be comfortable with the uncomfortable and take great pleasure in learning new things. This website, for example, was an outcome of late-nights binging YouTube to learn front-end development and give coding my first ever website a go.